Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Everything's Eventual

Everything's eventual. In this instance: with enough sunlight, this red has faded to white.

There's the slightest hint of red, but this sign has enjoyed many an afternoon in the Florida sunshine.

Another sign nearby:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Unclear Clearance

A little odd the most important part of the lettering disappeared first.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pollen Stains!

Pollen stains on concrete!

(...really doesn't take much to excite me, does it?)

It's something I've had to mimic on outdoor scenic painting without a great photo for reference. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Just Say 'No'

Ever think about the buttons you push as you fill up your tank?

Start with 'Credit' or 'Debit/Atm' (Unless you're paying cash...that still happens.)
Zip code or PIN (Number pad wear is pretty even. 'Enter' shows a bit more wear. 'Clear' isn't used much.)
Car wash today? Y/N (Looks like most people choose 'No'.)
Print Receipt? Y/N (Looks like most people don't need one.)

And it looks like very few people have pushed 'Help'.

I'm on the lookout for a number pad with heavy wear on just a few numbers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Can You Crack the Case?

Today I spotted this lock and handle in a hall:

Lovely example of key scratches - notice the arcs on the wood?

Natural oils from hand reveal how the handle is utilized.

So, detective, I've provided a close-up of the handle. Which way does the door open?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Convenient Aging

Some objects age in patterns - over time, users reveal usage habits.

Consider this bin: with four holes to choose from, two show far more wear and rust than the others. Why? Observe the overall position. With the bin placed against a wall, traffic moves on only one side. The bin's hood creates a sharper angle for depositing recyclables in the back openings. Hundreds of bottles and cans - contributed with an almost unconscious decision process - have revealed a pattern of use.

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Contributed Photo!

I love this photo - very subtle water damage from climate control.

And even better - this photo was sent to me!

Thanks for seeing something dirty and sharing. It made my day!

 Spotted in Downtown Orlando